NaslovnicaEnglish NewsEU to bring prosperity and not take the best out of country

EU to bring prosperity and not take the best out of country

Podgorica, (MINA) – Montenegro is aiming towards the membership in the EU, the alliance that will allow it to grow economically, and not take the best out of it, said Professor of Faculty of Economy Gordana Djurovic.

Speaking at the round table discussion titled “Stay or Leave, organized within a festival in Petnjica, she said that European integration is Montenegro’s strategic priority.

“As the EU grew and constantly expanded, the same did not happen to all the states that joined it. Romania lost 28% of the citizens, and the similar happened to Bulgaria. Only Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland kept the number of their citizens, while other countries lost on average 7%. Only after so many years of the EU membership, positive changes are happening since the countries have converged economically and people are returning to them”, said Djurovic.

Commenting on the migrations in Montenegro, she emphasized that around 50% happens within the country, from city to city, and others are to the countries of the Western Europe.

Djurovic said that she was happy that the students who are taking post-graduate courses abroad are returning to Montenegro.

Civic activist Boris Raonic
said that it was not a dilemma should someone stay or leave, but where to go.

He founds concerning the fact that 140 doctors have left Montenegro since 2014, according to data of the Union of Doctors of Medicine.

Jahja Ferhatovic, professor of an international faculty in Novi Pazar, emphasized that it is hard to stop someone when he decides to leave, and that migrations of Bosniak people have been happening for centuries, but that high birthrate was making up for that.

Professor Adnan Prekic believes that migrations are a challenge, not only in Montenegro, but in the whole Western Balkans and the Eastern Bloc.

Longer version of article is available on a link MINA ENGLISH SERVIS


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