NaslovnicaEnglish NewsConcrete results in international activities

Concrete results in international activities

Podgorica, (MINA) – Cooperation between the Montenegrin police and the diplomatic representatives and the representatives of the international organizations is comprehensive and high level, with concrete results in project activities and international operations.

It was agreed during the working breakfast Chief of Police Veselin Veljovic hosted for the ambassadors of the EU member states and the USA.

Veljovic expressed satisfaction with the results achieved in the past year, emphasizing expectation that they will be even better.

According to the press release from the Police Administration, he thanked to the representatives of the diplomatic corps and international organizations for continuous support to strengthening capacities of the Montenegrin police, in line with the standards of the modern European police forces, and for even more efficient fight against the most serious crimes with the emphasize on the international organized crime.

Head of EU Delegation to Montenegro Aivo Orav said that they have high quality cooperation with the Montenegrin police and that more proactive approach is necessary in fight against money laundering and trafficking in human beings.

According to him, special attention should be paid to prevention of cyber crime and strengthening of the police resources in that area.

Head of OSCE Mission in Montenegro Maryse Daviet said that they will continue supporting Montenegrin police in strengthening capacities in fight against all forms of crime.

According to the press release, UK Ambassador to Montenegro Alisson Kemp showed interest for professional structure of police organization in the reform process.

US Ambassador to Montenegro Judy Rising Rainke stressed importance of monitoring the issue of police integrity in regard to professional and legal acting.

Longer version of article is available on a link MINA ENGLISH SERVIS



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