NaslovnicaEnglish NewsBusiness NewsAzerbaijan is one of the largest investors in Montenegro

Azerbaijan is one of the largest investors in Montenegro

Podgorica, Baku, (MINA-BUSINESS) – Prime Minister Dusko Markovic has said that Azerbaijan is one of the largest investors in Montenegro, adding that the investments in the Portonovi resort coming from this country amounted to hundreds of millions of euros.

During his official visit to Azerbaijan, he invited the Prime Minister of this country Novruz Mammadov to come to Montenegro next year for the opening of this resort.

“Investments from Azerbaijan contribute to the reputation and perspective of our dynamic economy. I would like our successful cooperation to continue and expand,” Markovic said at a meeting with Mammadov.

He expressed his satisfaction with the fact that Mammadov had accepted his invitation to visit Montenegro next year, adding that he would have the opportunity to witness how two friendly countries create an added value to the benefit of citizens.

According to a press release issued by the Government’s Public Relations Service, Markovic and Mammadov agreed that the two countries had friendly relations, characterized by an active political dialogue and high level of understanding, and continuous strengthening of cooperation in the field of economy.

Longer version of article is available on a link MINA ENGLISH SERVIS


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