NaslovnicaEnglish NewsUS support to improving of heath care system

US support to improving of heath care system

Podgorica, (MINA) – The cooperation between the US Embassy and the Ministry of Health will be directed towards technical support by defining the cooperation priority fields and projects, which will contribute to upgrading and strengthening of health care system in Montenegro.

That was agreed in the meeting between Minister of Health Kenan Hrapovic and US Ambassador Judy Reising Reinke.

Hrapovic introduced the Ambassador to the health care system in Montenegro and government’s investments in this field.

“Reinke praised the success and progress in health care in the last several years”, the Ministry’s press release stated.

The meeting also stressed the partner relations with the members of the US Chamber of Trade, which praised the progress in pharmaceuticals policy in its Report on business ambience in 2017/2018.

Longer version of article is available on a link MINA ENGLISH SERVIS


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