NaslovnicaEnglish NewsParliament College adopts decision on setting up interim committee

Parliament College adopts decision on setting up interim committee

Podgorica, (MINA) – The Parliament’s College has accepted a proposal for the decision to set up an interim committee for further reform of the election and other legislation, which will be considered at the Parliament session scheduled for Tuesday.

Parliament Speaker Ivan Brajovic has stated that a lot of work has been done and that the Democratic Bloc (DF) is the only party that has expressed a reservation in relation to who should be members of the interim committee.

The DF believes that the committee should not leave any seats for the Democrats, which are currently boycotting the work of the Parliament.

“The important thing is that we have agreed everything at this point, at least most MPs have, or all except one parliamentary group which has not taken part in the work of the College or the Parliament,” Brajovic told the press following the College meeting on Friday.

He announced that, once it starts working, the interim committee would adopt the rules and procedures for involving representatives of NGOs and other stakeholders.

Longer version of article is available on a link MINA ENGLISH SERVIS


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