NaslovnicaEnglish NewsMina News Agency and 35 mm to promote insufficiently represented social topics

Mina News Agency and 35 mm to promote insufficiently represented social topics

Podgorica, (MINA) – The Mina news agency, in cooperation with NGO “35 mm”, has launched the “Engaging content” project, with the goal of promoting different experiences and opinions through media contents.

The idea is to map the underrepresented groups and release their perspective in media, having in mind that some groups, such as the women, the Roma people, the youth, LGBTQ community, are inadequately represented in media.

Independent analysts, academic workers, civil sector representatives and experts are also insufficiently represented in the media.

During the project Mina and 35 mm will, based on mapping, create articles, as well as photo and video media contents, which will be also offered in English.

The media package that will be produced during the project in the next six months will be offered for free on the Agency’s redesigned internet website https://mina.news/.

The project is the part of Balkans Media Assistance Program, supported by USAID, and carried out by Internews.

Longer version of article is available on a link MINA ENGLISH SERVIS


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