NaslovnicaEnglish NewsBest form of regulation originates in media themselves

Best form of regulation originates in media themselves

Podgorica, (MINA) – The best form of regulation is the one originating in media themselves, which pledged through associating with others to respect standards and the Code of Ethics, NGO Juventas stated.

Mican Andrijaevic of this NGO reiterated that the results of Juventas’s survey showed that 60,5% of the citizens are not aware of the existence of regulatory and self-regulatory bodies to complain to in cases of violation of professional and ethical standards by media.

According to him, 78.4% of those aware of the existence of those bodies cannot name those institution or bodies.

“Which brings us to the situation that only 1% of the general population says that they complained to some of the relevant regulatory or self-regulatory bodies”, Andrijasevic told Mina, adding that it does not mean that Montenegrin media meet standards of quality and professionalism.

Thus, he believes, it is necessary to inform the citizens how and to whom they can file a complaint on a media content.

Andrijasevic believes that it is also important to introduce the citizens to the work of the Agency for Electronic Media (AEM) so that they would be aware of it role and activities.

“However, currently the biggest shortcoming is non-existence of efficient, unique and exterior self-regulatory body. The best form of regulation is the one coming from the media themselves, which pledged through association with others to respect standards and the Code of Ethics”, Andrijasevic stressed.

This article was published with the financial support of the US Embassy available within the project “Rereading – Rewriting. Improving media literacy in Montenegro”. The Mina agency assumes full responsibility for its contents, which do not necessarily reflect the position of the USA. The article can be used with mandatory citing of its source.Longer version of article is available on a link MINA ENGLISH SERVIS
