NaslovnicaEnglish NewsCitizens of Tuzi to vote in 30 polling places

Citizens of Tuzi to vote in 30 polling places

Podgorica, (MINA) – The citizens of Tuzi will be able to vote in 30 polling places in the elections on Sunday, president of the Municipal Electoral Commission (OIK) Stjefan Ujkic stated and added that the ballots are printed in two languages.

Five tickets and one coalition are participating in the elections in this newly formed municipality.

Ujkic told Mina that the citizens of Tuzi will be able to vote in 30 polling places, and that all documentation is printed in both Montenegrin and Albanian languages.

According to him, the State Electoral Commission (DIK) and OIK organized education for the president and the members of the election committees.

There are 11,904 citizens with the right to vote in the elections in Tuzi.

Longer version of article is available on a link MINA ENGLISH SERVIS


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