NaslovnicaEnglish NewsNational rhetoric dubbed result of increased presence of Russia and Turkey

National rhetoric dubbed result of increased presence of Russia and Turkey

Oslo, Podgorica, (MINA) – The occurrence of national rhetoric in the countries of the region in the last few years is the result of higher presence of Russia and Turkey, said Enver Djuliman from the Norwegian Helsinki Committee.

In an interview to Mina, he said that the occurrence of national rhetoric in the countries of the region is the consequence of political, social, cultural and media absence of international community and political vacuum regarding the values that should lead towards peace and tackling the crimes form the past.

According to Djuliman, this vacuum is being filled with higher presence of Russia and Turkey.

He stated that in the last two or three years heroisation of the convicted war criminals is present, in particular in Serbia, where they are given media, cultural, educational and other space which they use to present their experiences.

The example of that is the call on the air from Ratko Mladic in one of the most popular TV shows in Serbia.

According to Djuliman, mild reaction of the international community to such events is concerning.

“The international community would not let something like that happening in its backyard, but it does not respond when that happens in the South East Europe or ex-Yugoslavia”, Djuliman said.

He emphasized that all calls to reconciliation are false until they are followed by concrete actions.

Longer version of article is available on a link MINA ENGLISH SERVIS


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