NaslovnicaEnglish NewsBusiness NewsInterest rates keep declining

Interest rates keep declining

Podgorica, (MINA-BUSINESS) – The weighted average effective interest rate for granted loans, including all related costs, decreased by 0.02 percentage points in May to 6.18 percent.

According to the statistics of the Central Bank of Montenegro (CBCG), published in its Bulletin, the weighted average nominal interest rate declined by 0.01 points in May to 5.61percent.

In this period, the banks’ effective interest rate for newly granted loans increased by 0.21 percentage points to 6.2 percent, while the nominal one rose by 0.19 points to 5.53 percent.  

The effective and nominal interest rates of microfinance institutions (MFIs) decreased by 0.04 and 0.02 points in May to 24.22 percent and 20.54 percent respectively. 

The effective interest rate offered by the MFIs for newly granted loans decreased by 0.11 percentage points to 24.38 percent, while the nominal one dropped by 0.38 points to 20.49percent.

The weighted average effective interest rate for deposits decreased slightly in May to 0.47 percent.

In this period, the difference between the interest rates for loans and those for deposits decreased to 5.71 percent.

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