NaslovnicaEnglish NewsBusiness NewsGood relations to be enriched by stronger economic cooperation

Good relations to be enriched by stronger economic cooperation

Podgorica, (MINA-BUSINESS) – Prime Minister of Montenegro Dusko Markovic and Ambassador of Azerbaijan Eldar Hasanov have agreed that the two countries can additionally enrich their good political bilateral relations by strengthening their economic cooperation and increasing the number of investments in tourism, energy and infrastructure.

“Montenegro has made a huge step forward in overall progress. We’ve been NATO member state for two years now, we have progressed far in the negotiations with the EU and we are strongly committed to economic growth and development issues,” Markovic said.

According to a press release issued by his Office, Markovic reminded of the important economic parameters – a 4.9 percent growth rate in 2018, a steady growth of revenues, an increase in the number of working people by 12,000, and a six percent decrease in the unemployment rate.

Hasanov said that Azerbaijani companies were interested in new investments in the tourist resorts and the infrastructure development projects.

The two officials also discussed the biggest investment coming from Azerbaijan – the Portonovi project implemented in Kumbor, and agreed that it would result in added value to the tourism product of Montenegro.

Hasanov welcomed the stability and security in Montenegro, as well as its constructive role in the region.

Longer version of article is available on a link MINA ENGLISH SERVIS


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