NaslovnicaEnglish NewsDPS: Jokic and Perovic to be removed from office

DPS: Jokic and Perovic to be removed from office

Podgorica, (MINA) – The Administrative Court’s decision does not change the will of the majority in the Kotor Municipal Assembly which voted for removal of Kotor mayor and president of the local parliament, Vladimir Jokic and Dragica Perovic, the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) stated.

The Administrative Court overturned the decision on Jokic’s removal, which was voted for by MPs of DPS, the Social democratic Party, the Croatian Civic Initiative, the Liberal Party and the Social Democrats.

They claim that the Administrative Court overturned the will of the parliamentary’ major for formal reasons.

“However, this decision in no way changes the will of the majority in the Kotor Municipal Assembly which voted for Jokic’s removal, which we will eventually realize”, DPS stated.

According to them, it is yet to be seen if the verdict will give legitimacy to continuation of abuses by Jokic and Perovic, that Administrative Court neglected- and those are postponing of the sessions indefinitely, and thus evading the will of the local assembly majority.Longer version of article is available on a link MINA ENGLISH SERVIS


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