NaslovnicaEnglish NewsFight against corruption dubbed crucial for building rule of law

Fight against corruption dubbed crucial for building rule of law

Podgorica, (MINA) – Fight against corruption at local level is the key challenge in building the rule of law, as a foundation of a democratic society on which Montenegro lies, said Minister of Public Administration Suzana Pribilovic.

Speaking at the annual conference “Let’s put corruption into museum”, she said that the topic of anti-corruption should be constantly in the focus of general public’s attention.

According to her, one of the main characteristics of democracy is transparency of the system.

Pribilovic said that, by passing a series of laws and strategies, the government defined the fight against corruption as a public interest.

“I am sure that local administrations will in the following period direct their activities towards implementing action plans for fight against corruption”, Pribilovic concluded.

Head of Co-operation Section at the EU Delegation to Montenegro Hermann Spitz said that the government must fight against corruption and prevent it in local communities so that the citizens would feel safer.

Executive director of the Center for Civic Education (CGO) Daliborka Uljarevic said that the project’s goal is to contribute to strengthening of the rule of law and quality of the EU integration process.

She said that the crucial levers of fight against corruption have excess of inappropriate political influence and lack of integrity, professionalism and courage which are serious limitations for essential fight against corruption.

“Montenegro has worryingly slowed down on the path towards the EU, not due to the challenges it is facing, but due to its own shortcomings regarding track records in the fields such as fight against corruption”, Uljarevic emphasized.

Executive director of CEMI Nikoleta Djukanovic said that when fighting against corruption, basic goal should be reducing its damaging consequences, prevention of negative economic growth and decreasing inequalities in the society.

Longer version of article is available on a link MINA ENGLISH SERVIS


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