NaslovnicaEnglish NewsBoskovic: VCG does not want to build anything but raise capacities

Boskovic: VCG does not want to build anything but raise capacities

Podgorica, (MINA) – The Montenegrin Armed Forces (VCG) does not plan to build anything in Sinjajevina but to use the area and in cooperation with the locals build roads and water supply systems, said Defense Minister Predrag Boskovic.

In an interview to Mina, Boskovic said that the explosives that will be used during the military exercises are not the threat to the environment.

“What singles out Sinjajevina from other locations is that such a waste area, owned by the state, does not exist anywhere in Montenegro and thus it is the most interesting from the aspect of performing the most complex exercises where practically whole army can participate”, Boskovic explained.

He reiterated that the area of Sinjajevina will be used in the period when summer mountain homes are not in function, for a month a year, or two times for 15 days and that the ammunition that can be the threat to environment will not be used.

He said that classical explosives, used by VCG, cannot harm the environment and that it evaporates within 14 to 18 hours.

“During one day at the Smokovac Matasevo highway construction site the same type of explosives are used in the amount equivalent to the annual use in Sinjajevina”, said Boskovic.

He said that they received two studies by the Military of North Macedonia on the impact of using ammunition in the military range Krivolak, which showed that there was almost no impact.

“I understand that there is fear in regard to that issue. We did everything to remove that fear with benevolent citizens, but that are those who for certain political reasons, do not recognize the Montenegrin Armed Forces nor the state and thus want to stop any development and capabilities of our Forces”, said Boskovic.

According to him, it is very important that today VCG assists the civil sector and local communities, and that by investing and modernizing the Military, capacities have been developed with the aim of helping civil institutions, emphasizing the procurement of three multifunctional helicopters.

Boskovic said that stabilization of the region remains an imperative for Montenegro and in line with that it remains active promoter of NATO open door policy, permanent participant in security initiatives of regional format.

“By participating in peace missions and operations, we are proving ourselves as a credible partner and reliable ally which within its abilities contributes not only to preserving peace in the region but also in the world”, said Boskovic.

Asked in which phase of transformation VCG is, Boskovic reiterated that the government in November last year adopted the Decision on Organization and Formation  Structure and size of the armed forces which determined that in the time of peace it will consist of 2,368 persons and 5,159 in the time of war.


Boskovic said that transformation is happening with the planned dynamics and that the challenge will be completion by attaining full formation, above all with critical professions which include air force and maritime engineers, IT staff, and medical staff.

He said that NATO membership provides guarantee of collective defense and that it is an important factor of defense of independence, sovereignty and national territory, which contributes to long-lasting security and stability of Montenegro.

“Montenegro is a full-fledged partner in the Alliance that meets its responsibilities arising from the membership, and in return enjoys full support in numerous areas”, said Boskovic.

Longer version of article is available on a link MINA ENGLISH SERVIS


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