NaslovnicaEnglish NewsPrincipled dialogue to be established

Principled dialogue to be established

Podgorica, (MINA) – It is possible to form a unique self-regulatory body in Montenegro if a principled dialogue on joint interest of media, journalists and citizens is established, said chair of the former Council of Journalists’ Self-Regulatory Body (NST) Mirsad Ratoder.

He believes that such an organ could be tasked with analyzing media content and helping journalists by offering examples, and in the same time the citizens, to recognize what is not in line with media principles and ethics.

In an interview to Mina, Rastoder said that ideas of association should be encouraged, so that self-regulation would prevent every possible abuse of the press.

Asked to comment on NST’s work, while he was its chair, Rastoder said that establishing of the Media Institute in 2001, adoption of the Code and establishing of NST was a good and important start in solving the Issus Montenegro is facing even today in the process of democratic development.

Asked to name some of the most common violations of the code during that period, he said that it was a period of huge decisions, and raised emotions, and that sensationalism, spreading of ethnic animosity were even then widespread among other violations.

Asked about the main reason for NST’s collapse, Rastoder said that it ended the moment various groups on the media scene tried to put it under their control.

He said that the Code has important role, even when there is no body to control its application, since, according to him, the journalists and media outlets must protect themselves from complaints and regulators and thus it is important to them to have a support in sensitive situations.

This text is produced with the financial support of the European Union, through the project of Dealing with Ethics and Fake News, reference number IPA2018/397-252. The content is the exclusive responsibility of the Mina news agency and does not necessarily reflect the positions of the EU. The text may be distributed provided that its source is duly credited.

Longer version of article is available on a link MINA ENGLISH SERVIS


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