NaslovnicaEnglish NewsMPs violate Montenegrin EU bid

MPs violate Montenegrin EU bid

Podgorica, (MINA) The Social Democratic Party (SDP), the Bosniak Party (BS) the Albanians Decisively coalition, the Croatian Civic Initiative (HGI) and all independent MPs have failed the exam and jeopardized European bid of the country, said president of the NGO Queer Montenegro Steering Committee Danijel Kalezic.

Montenegrin parliament failed to pass on Wednesday the Law on Life Partnership of the Same Sex Persons since there was no majority in the parliament.

Kalezic said that LGBTIQ persons contribute to the country equally as all others, and that due to irresponsibility of the majority in the Montenegrin parliament they are still forced to live as second-class citizens.

He remarked that failure to pass this law showed deep hypocrisy of the Montenegrin party system based on, as he said, political maneuvering and personal and partisan interests.

Kalezic remarked that there are lesbians, gays, bisexual and transgender persons among members of all nationalities, even Bosniaks, Albanians, and Croatian, although their representatives, the part of the ruling collation, voted against the law.

Jelena Colakovic of NGO Juventas said that human rights in Montenegro unfortunately are not what they should be in their nature.

“Ethnic minority parties know that very well, although they voted against legal designing of the partnerships which, whether they admit that or not, exist”, said Colakovic.

The Center for Civic Education (CGO) stated that failure to pass this law showed that particular interests of the parties and individuals, even those swearing into European standards, are above fight for human rights.

“Political parties and independent MPs that took part in the parliament’s work, and did not vote or avoided to vote for that law have no excuse for their actions”, CGO stated.

As added, this draft law, which would facilitate life for many LGBTIQ persons, was not passed because of those who voted against it, but also because those who avoided voting for the first time.

This NGO reiterated that their survey carried out early this year showed positive trend in perception of the citizens towards LGBTIQ persons and their rights.

“Asked about their opinion about the Law on Life Partnership of Same Sex Persons, more than half of the citizens, 55% of them, stated that they have positive or very positive opinion on that”, CGO added.

Longer version of article is available on a link MINA ENGLISH SERVIS


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