NaslovnicaEnglish NewsBusiness NewsMore passengers carried in the first four months

More passengers carried in the first four months

Podgorica, (MINA-BUSINESS) – On its scheduled, charter and codeshare flights, Montenegro Airlines (MA) carried a total of 130,010 passengers in the first four months, 7,500 more than in the last year’s corresponding period.

According to a press release issued by MA, it operated 1,820 flights in this period, 112 more than in the same period last year.

“An increase in the number of flights is accompanied by a higher cabin load factor, which was at 61 percent in the reporting percent, three percent higher compared with the same period last year,” the press release says.

According to the company, these parameters have improved as a result of a good commercial strategy and responsible planning of costs and resources, which had a positive effect on the business results achieved in the first four months.

“The destinations with the highest increase in the number of passengers carried in the reporting period are Belgrade, with 3,000 passengers more than last year, Rome with 1,440 and Paris with 1,450, and Ljubljana with 1,150 passengers more than in the corresponding period,” the press release says.

During the forthcoming season, the company will operate scheduled and charter flights to around 30 destinations, planning to carry more than 660,000 passengers by the end of the year. Longer version of article is available on a link MINA ENGLISH SERVIS


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