NaslovnicaEnglish NewsMontenegro promotes NATO principles and beliefs

Montenegro promotes NATO principles and beliefs

Podgorica, (MINA) – Montenegro has built good relations with the countries of the region, promoting the principles and beliefs of the Alliance, in order to contribute to the NATO enlargement policy, said NATO Defense College commander Chris Whitecross.

The delegation of about 100 representatives of NATO Defense College from Rome, headed by Whitecross, is paying a visit to Montenegro.

Whitecross explained that in accordance with the College’s agenda, that are paying study visits to NATO member states every year, and expressed satisfaction that this year this delegation is paying a visit to Montenegro.

According to her, it is obvious that Montenegro has been important NATO partner for a long time, and that positive influence of NATO membership to relations with Montenegro can be noticed.

Whitecross said that it is very important for visit participants and NATO representatives to have an opportunity to get to know the influences and challenges Montenegro and the region are facing.

She expressed satisfaction to see the progress Montenegro achieved in the last two years, as the youngest NATO member.

Longer version of article is available on a link MINA ENGLISH SERVIS


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