NaslovnicaEnglish NewsBusiness NewsMA ready to respond to all challenges

MA ready to respond to all challenges

Podgorica, (MINA-BUSINESS) – Executive Director of Montenegro Airlines Zivko Banjevic has said that, after having leased an aircraft from the Romanian company Blue Air, the national carrier is ready to respond to all challenges it will face this year.

“We are ready to carry more passengers than last year, approximately 660,000 of them in all three categories of transport, and increase our contribution to the overall revenues and development of tourism industry and other economic sectors in Montenegro,” said Banjevic.

According to a press release issued by MA, the company has leased an aircraft with larger capacity than other airplanes in its fleet, which will comprise a total of six airplanes between 15 April and 15 October.

The lease agreement, based on the so-called ACMI arrangement, which includes both airplane and the crew, as well as the technical maintenance and aircraft insurance, was signed with the Romanian company Blue Air.

Banjevic said that, in negotiations on the aircraft lease agreement for the coming summer season, the company insisted on the highest safety and security standards. Longer version of article is available on a link MINA ENGLISH SERVIS


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