NaslovnicaEnglish NewsBusiness NewsConsumer basket worth €640 in November

Consumer basket worth €640 in November

Podgorica, (MINA-BUSINESS) – According to preliminary statistics by Monstat, the minimum value of the consumer basket amounted to €640 in November, 0.3 percent more than the month before.

“Of the total value of the consumer basket, food and non-alcoholic beverages amounted to €261.30, up one percent month-on-month,” says a press release issued by the Statistical Office.

Monstat says that the expenses for non-food products and services amounted to €378.70 in this period, 0.1 percent less than in October.

“The minimum value of consumer basket is related to the households’ expenses for food, non-food products and services, necessary for sustaining family members and maintaining the ability to work,” the press release says.

The minimum value of consumer basket has been harmonized with recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), and an USDA Food Guide 2010, adopted by the Department of Agriculture of the United States of America, defining the minimum calorie intake of 2,210 Kcal a day per person.


The minimum value of consumer basket is based on the results of a survey of household consumption and recommendations of the World Bank.

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